Franco Enterprise™ Custom Search Engine

Business Partners

Franco Enterprise™

         Franco Enterprise™ is a direct selling company and manufacturer that uses network marketing to sell a variety of products, primarily in the health, beauty, and home care markets. Founded in early 2010 by Percy F. Franco, now the chairman & C.E.O., some might think it's a fairly new up & coming company, but in only a few months we reached new frontiers and were able to crack the international barriers. Diving into the Australian market later that year, we were able to branch our ideals to new perspectives. Not long after, in 2011 we breached yet another international wall, this time acquiring Panama & entering the South American market. With customers, and business partners in many corners of the world, we have a clear strategy and common vision of the success and potential we can unlock with such a promising system when new business associates bring their own personal views and ideas to the table.

XL Marketing Group

     The first branch of distribution and certainly the biggest and fastest growing distributor in the market. Headed & established by Cristina Franco in mid-late 2010. Quickly became a very stable and strong asset to the company, turning into one of the REASONS in persueing the possibility of rapid branching expansion, and even sparked the light in the possibility of international marketing.

Defying Group World Wide

     Rapidly growing leg of distribution, a clear result of the addition of XL Marketing Group and its effect in the branching process of the company. Created and founded by Diego Franco in the later part of 2010, took the success momentum of the rapid growth and stabilized strongly forming part of the second pilar of international marketing plunging into the Australian market alongside XL Marketing Group, under Franco Enterprise views & leadership

Triumph World Wide

     Taking roots based on integrity, uniqueness & complete control over all variables. Creating and founded by Roberto Ramos in mid-2011. Representing not only power, but also domination over any obstacle, we take pride on persistence and triumph over the impossible, these are two of the main building blocks of this business.
     The owner came to the decision of creating the business because of the aamazing possibilities one is expossed to while working in the market. The main purposed for building this, was the change in lifestyle, the income, the assosiations made, and again, the unlimited coming FREEDOM!

R. Hernandez Enterprises

     Organization of young minded DREAMERS, whose goals and desires have them doing what others won't, in order to achieve that which others won't have. Founded  in mid-2009 by the sharp young mind of Ronald Hernandez, the CEO of the company. Under his leadership the business is still following it's core goals, which are to work with people who are looking for freedom, and looking to live the "American Dream" they so much desire; to help people get back with their families and enjoy one another, by helping them set up an additional source of ongoing income on TOP of what they already make; to help these people have more TIME to spend however they chose to spend it, to take back ownership of their own lives.
     The question that R. Hernandez Enterprises asks you, is: "What would you do if you had the extra money, extra time? What would you be willing to do to acquire the time and money to be able to step away from your current life, and step into the life you've always been dreaming of?"

Singh Enterprise

Partner Stores & Services


. . . . plus many more!!